Teacher Training 200 hours2016 

with Maja Zilih and Athens Yoga

Yoga Alliance Certification

Get inspired and inspire others through YOGA

  Our program at a glance:






Module 1: 

"Journey into the Heart of Yoga"
Deepening your practice and theory of yoga

Suitable for anyone wanting to expand their knowledge of yoga, regardless if they want to follow the full professionalvocation of 200 hours which leads to the internationally recognized certificate of Yoga Alliance RYT 200.

Maja Zilih (primary director),

Yiannis Gerou,

Nancy Hitzanidou,

10-14 and 17-21 February 2016

8.00 - 11.30 and 13.00-15.30


Module 2:

Teaching techniques, advanced anatomy, philosophy and practice

(includes 20 hours of studying the bibliography at home, writing assignments, observation of real classes at Athens Yoga and notekeeping, teaching voluntarily to a social group in need eThe above 185 hours of basic training can be combined with either one of the 2 programs below, to complete the 200 hours for Yoga Alliance registration. If they wish, students can attend more than one program, which will be counted as continuing education (continuing education - Yoga Alliance-RYT 200).

Maja Zilih (primary director),

Yiannis Gerou,

Dimitrios Vassiliadis,

Nancy Hitzanidou,

Katerina Lianou,

Martin Kirk

4-6/3, 18-20/3, 25-27/3, 15-17/4, 22-24/4, 7-8/5, 20-22/5

-Friday 19.00-21.00

8.00 - 11.30 and 13.00-15.30

8.00 - 11.30 and 13.00-15.30


The above 185 hours of basic training can be combined with either one of the 2 programs below, to complete the 200 hours for Yoga Alliance registration. If they wish, students can attend more than one program, which will be counted as continuing education (continuing education - Yoga Alliance).







  Module 3:

Yoga Therapy & Manual Adjustments for teachers


10 - 12 June 2016


Module 3:

Bridging Yoga and Meditation


21-23 October 2016



Module 3:

Teaching and sequencing advanced yoga poses


29 May - 4 June 2016

Module 1:

Deepening through intensive asana practice (3-4 hours per day).
-Pranayama study (breathing techniques) in great detail.
-Details of alignment, their therapeutic dimension and how to apply on the various body types.
-Asana categories and the corresponding preparation for each category.
-Restoratives and use of props (blocks, straps, chairs, blankets).
-Introduction to meditation.
-Intro to yoga philosphy (Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali).
-Learn how to design your own home yoga practice.
-Teaching to groups of 1-3 persons.
-Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Vinyasa.

Module 2:

-Taking the practice even more deeply- the energy body (chakras, nadis, vayus).
-History and philosophy of yoga (The Vedic perception of life, the Upanishads, the Orthodox Schools, Yoga in Tantric tradition and the contemporary Indian Philosophy) with professor Dimitris Vassiliadis.
-Yoga practice and training on the technique.
-Sequencing. Series and succession of poses that prepare students' body for advanced postures.
-How to use speech and tone of voice in different stages of the class.
-Anatomy and therapy with yoga.
-Class design for beginners, middle level and advanced students.
-Private classes.
-How to teach complex and advanced poses.
-Mixed level classes and variations of poses.
-Vinyasa Yoga.
-Ashtanga Yoga.
-Lifestyle, ethical principles and code of principles-values for yoga teachers.
-How to start your career as a yoga teacher. Legal and economic issues (trademark, copyright, data protection, rights and liability, special matters of liability and quality services, market research, marketing and advertising, trends research).
-Practicum at Athens Yoga and volunteer teaching to a social group in need.
-Studying, written assignments.

Module 3

Yoga Therapy & Manual Adjustments for teachers with Maja Zilih or

3-day Workshop with Carlos Pomeda - Meditation Through the 3 Gunas & Vijnana Bhairava

Yoga and Meditation: integrating practices with Micahel Stone

What one day of training looks like:

7:30-8:00 Pranayama, meditation and centering (optional)
8:00-10:20 Constructing the class. Two-hour practice with emphasis on back bends
10:20-10:40 Reviewing and discussing the sequencing/theming/emphasis of the class that proceeded
10:40-12:00 Anatomy relevant to back bends (lower limb rotations, kidney, shoulder and scull loops). Advantages, counterindications. How to prepare the students' bodies for back bends. Manual adjustments. Use of props (blocks, blankets, straps). How to teach adequate relaxation and grounding poses after the back bends.
12:00 - 13:00 Break
13:00 - 15:00 Philosophy: Bhagavad Gita
15:00 - 15:30 Using the yogic philosophy to inspire classes with backbends.
15:30 - 16:00 Pranayama: Nadhi Shodana with variations
16:00 - 16:30 Meditation/conclusion

Some of the things that you will learn:

-How to create a class safe for all students, that will invite them to unfold their full potential.
-How to lead beginners', advanced and mixed level classes.
-Variations of poses that respond to the needs of each student, depending on their capacity and experience in yoga.
-The muscular and sceletal systems, the way various systems function (digestive, circulatory, respiratory etc.), which body parts engage in which asanas and how as well as how to avoid injury in yoga.
-Therapeutic alignment and restorative asanas with which you can help whomever has any physical sensitivity or injury in your family or social environment.
-Basic Sanskrit and names of poses.
-To progress yourself in asanas and to teach in a way that will help your students progress in their practice, to comprehend and to experience the therapeutic impact of yoga.
-To skillfully design classes that will 1) lead from centering and meditation to warm ups and culmination, to groundingand relaxing, 2) have spiritual elements and 3) offer students something that they can apply in their daily lives.
-How to help your students experience the connection of body and mind through pranayama.
-How to use centering practice at the beginning of the class and thus create a sacred space wherever your class may be, as well as how to lead pranayama and a deeply relaxing Shavasana.
-To trust and express your genuinity as a teacher.
-How to convey the connection between the yoga class and everyday life and the importance of yoga and meditation outside the yoga class.


Module 1:
10-14 February (8:00-15:30 with 1,5 hour break)
17-21 February (8:00-15:30 with 1,5 hour break)

Module 2:
6 weekends from February to May 2016

Module 2 also includes:
10 hours of real classes observation at Athens Yoga, and
10 hours of assisting the teacher in real classes at Athens Yoga.
At home in their free time students will watch the anatomy webinars, read the bibliography and write their assignments.

Module 3:
Choice between June 2016, October 2015 and September/October 2016. Please see the options here.

The program includes 15 hours of recorded anatomy webinar of Martin Kirk. Students will have access to those at any time they wish from the date of enrollment and in future. Click here for details.

Participation prerequisites
- Minimum of 1 year of regular yoga practice
- We strongly recommend minimum of 3 months of practice at Athens Yoga
- Written application and an interview with Maja

During the course students are encouraged to practice yoga continuously. To this end they will enjoy a 50% discount on the price for an unlimited monthly package at Athens Yoga for the whole duration of the course.



Maja Zilih - Primary Director

Yoga Alliance International Experienced Registered Yoga teacher
Anusara-InspiredTM Yoga Teacher,
Bsc in Economics
Bsc in Social Sciences
Master in Political Sciences

Maja is a yoga teacher and teacher trainer, as well as a founder of Athens Yoga, Greece. The life and teachings of Maja are dedicated to connecting with people with devotion and care, offering the wisdom of yoga in a dynamic way that respects the needs of each individual, inviting them at the same time to unfold their true and full potential.

Her method integrates different styles of yoga as she combines dynamism with meditative and mindful approach to the practice, links movement with inner awareness, and always inspires students to approach yoga as a way of life.

Carlos Pomeda

Carlos Pomeda received traditional training in all aspects of yoga during his 35 years of practice, 18 of which he spent as a monk (swami) of the Saraswati order, including 9 years in India at the Siddha Yoga ashram, studying and practising under Swami Muktananda and Gurumayi Chidvilasananda.

During this time he learned the various systems of Indian Philosophy, immersed himself in the practice of yoga and became one of the senior monks of the tradition — teaching meditation and philosophy to tens of thousands of students around the world. He combines this experience and traditional training with his academic background, which includes two master's degrees: one in Sanskrit from U.C. Berkeley (where he has taught) and the other in Religious Studies, from U.C. Santa Barbara.

Michael Stone

Michael Stone is globally known psychotherapist, yoga teacher, Buddhist teacher, author and activist, committed to the integration of traditional teachings with contemporary psychological and philosophical understanding.

Over the years, his goal has been to cultivate long-term relationships with people who want to deepen their understanding of Yoga and Buddhist teachings and practice while bringing these practices into conversation with medicine, economics, ecology and mainstream media. He maintains a dedicated workshop and retreat schedule in communities internationally.

Martin Kirk - Anatomy and Yoga Therapy - via webinars

Yoga Alliance Experienced 500, specialised in yoga therapy and anatomy

Certified yoga instructor who has gained a reputation for excellent and inspiring workshops and teacher trainings

His anatomy and therapy trainings are in great demand worldwide

Approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider

Nancy Hitzanidou

System Engineer MSC, Certified Yoga Teacher, 500 hours: Historical and philosophical roots of yoga Yoga Alliance 500-hour RYT, 200-hour E-RYT

Certified Yoga Teacher, 500 hours: Historical and Philosophical Roots of Yoga

Nancy's love for Yoga as exercise, philosophy and way of life led her to share the joy of practice with others. After practicing yoga since 2001 at Yoga Arts School, she followed the Teacher Training Program 500 hours (Yoga Alliance 500-hour RYT) of NYSY Studios focusing on Meditation and Tantric Studies.

Since 2008 she teaches regularly, holds seminars and participates in Teacher Training Programs in which physical activity (Asana), meditation (Dhyana), Yoga Philosophy are interwoven.

Dimitris Vassiliadis

Indology professor and writer Dimitris Vasiliadis, PhD Philosophy and Religion (University of Benares).

Yiannis Gerou

Yiannis teaches Hatha Yoga since 2007. His classes are dynamic and focus on body and breath awareness, correct alignment and the therapeutic dimension of yoga. In 2014 he participated as one of the main teachers of the 200-hr Teacher Training at Athens Yoga with Maja Zilih. He also practices Thai yoga massage and reiki.

"My intention is for students to discover yoga's challenge to transform ourselves to a higher and true Self. Through the challenge of the practice (sadhana) we overcome the limits we put on ourselves physically and mentally, and thus we obtain strength, we evolve and learn to have more compassion and love for us and the world around us".

Katerina Lianou

Katerina holds a diploma from NSA University. She specialized in physiotherapy and gained her experience at a Rehabilitation Center and at Erikos Dinan Hospital dealing for years with patients with musculosceletal , neurological, cardiovascular and respiratory problems. She is the co-founder of the Center of Physiotherapy "Kinissi kai Therapia" and also holds a diploma on Thai massage recognized by the Ministry of Education of Thailand and the Thai massage School of Chang Mai. She is a member of the Hellenic Association of Physiotherapists.

Eleftheria Lagoudaki - Workshop in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Eleftheria Lagoudaki has committed herself in the practice and teaching of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga in the past 14 years. After teaching Ashtanga in several spots around Athens, in 2002 she founded the Om Studio|Ashtanga Yoga Athens, where Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is taught exclusively. Since 2001, she has been teaching every day Mysore and led classes having introduced a lot of people to this beautiful method, making it accessible to everyone thanks to her unique approach.

Get inspired and inspire others through YOGA


Teaching over 500 classes per year and with years of training with globally known teachers, Maja Zilih and the team of the program are offering an outstanding yoga training for anyone who wishes to go to a more meaningful level of their practice, or to teach others the ancient treasure that yoga is. This program offers education and profound knowledge with rich educational material.

Maja Zilih:
Yoga Teacher Training in Athens, Greece, 2015

"Students gain knowledge, skills, confidence and an international certification needed to teach yoga. But our vision at Athens Yoga is greater than that. We aim to empower students to discover the vast potential within themselves. To give them tools and inspiration not to do yoga, but to Live Yoga. The most wonderful yoga teachers in the world are those who actually live the teachings of Yoga. This is why we require all participants to have at least one year of serious practice behind them.

Our training is rather intensive and it lasts a minimum of six months, involving plenty of study. We also offer frequent meditation time all throughout the course as we consider meditation elementary to living and teaching yoga.
During the course the students dive deeply into the study of yoga and of the Self, to experience a true shift towards health and balance in their lives. The inner-balance and serenity they gradually gain will then express itself in all their relationships, including their relationship to practice, to teaching yoga, and to their future students.

Hence as much as it is about teaching yoga, this course is also about self-discovery, development and transformation."

A journey for anyone who wishes to deepen and expand their yoga practice, or change orientation by doing something they truly love

At Athens Yoga you will be supportd, encouraged and inspired. You will gain confidence and sensitivity of a yoga teacher, and you will be able to teach in a manner deeply inspiring to your students, helping them to change their lives.

Whether you want to follow yoga profesionally, or just to deepen your practice, you can be sure that this training is going to change your life!



"I wanted to delve deeper into the “art” of yoga and not only got my wish but also found a whole new world opening up before me! Maja is a brilliant teacher and a true inspiration, a source of deep knowledge and an example to aspire to. A beautiful balance of body and mind, movement and breath, earth and soul! And together with the rest of the team of exceptional teachers they offer a first-rate and well-rounded programme that focuses on all the necessary aspects; the practice of yoga (asanas), philosophy, lesson planning and classroom skills, self-development, anatomy, alignment and how to practice and teach both effectively and safely (extremely important and unfortunately often underestimated and overlooked).

I definitely recommend this teachers training course to anyone who wishes to grow his/her yoga practice and dive into this magical world, even if they are not quite sure if they want to make the leap towards teaching or not. A life-enhancing (if not downright life-changing) experience! Thank you Maja and all you amazing Athens Yog-is! Love and light to you all!!" - Wanda Pierri, 2014

"I signed up for this teacher training in order to get to know more about the rich tradition of yoga. The environment at Athens Yoga, the program itself and the teachers' approach all exceeded my expectations. Everyone's offer of knowledge, the educational material we received as well as all the guidance was only the beginning. I continue learning every day through my practice and the tools we were given during the teacher training and through the community of teachers and students. The most important gift of this training is perhaps the confidence and faith in our power. 

Teaching comes so early in this training that it leaves no room for doubt. We started teaching from the very first steps of the training which filled me with confidence and put me in the mood for more knowledge and experience. The teacher training is an invaluable experience whichever reasons initially bring you to it." Tina Tsaleza, 2014

"I first went to Athens Yoga intuitively afters years of yoga practice. Today I am grateful to my teachers for the body & soul transformation I went through. I am full of confidence and responsibility around the infinite science called YOGA. I have already started teaching. I wish to other fellows to take this wonderrful journey to confidence, empowerment, healing and lastly, joy. I want to thank my experienced teachers for transmitting their knowledge with lovingly and respectfully. These words come out from my soul. I am thankful and greatful now and forever." -Ioanna Loudarou, 2014

"A unique and special experience for your body and mind which fills you with confiedence regarding your own possibilities. The teachers were characterized by their responsibility and their special ability to transmit knowledge. A very special journey into the inner world." – Eleni Demeka, 2014

"A yoga teacher training is not only about learning how to teach. Apart from the complete knowledge on the topic, it is an invitation to self discovery. The training at Athens Yoga highlights this holistic approach about what is yoga, what is to teach yoga and to practice, not only ina class but in your life also." - Irida Mathe, 2014

"I don't know how to express the overwhelming gratitude I feel because, except for the basic training I feel that I have received so much "food" for the future!! Everything begins from now on! I feel Athens Yoga as a true family that embraced me right from the start, which is due to the environment that Maja creates and of course that is trasmitted to the rest of the center" - Eleni T.

"A multidimensional, strong and inspiring training in every way!" 
"There is an evergrowing feeling that the deeper I go as a student, the more I desire to invite the world to discover their own path of yoga." 
- Anna P.


"Being at the teacher training program is a very unique experience, more of a life-training. Obligations and demands only help build faith, moulding a stronger character. Faith grows stronger in any direction that the student choses" - Yiannis V.

"It doesn't matter whether one wants to teach yoga professionally or not. Whoever loves and enjoys yoga should attend the training to dive deeply into the Indian philosophy and to find answers to ife questions. The training elevates the spiritual practice to the highest" - Dimitris T.