Sample of a yoga class focused on fascia

One of the definitions of yoga is the experience of interconnectedness.

Exploring the fascia and the tensegrity principle upon which our body is built, improves our individual sense of inner-connectivity, and enhances the awareness of the interconnectedness of all life.

Fascia is an all pervasive, fibrous connective tissue matrix. Made primarily of collagen, it is found under the entire surface of our skin, enveloped around every bone, enclosing and weaving through every muscle, holding every organ (visceral fascia), and even wrapping around every blood vessel and every nerve. Depending on its location, function, and the amount of tension-compression it is designed to withstand, fascia varies in the degrees of fluidity and flexibility.

Feeling the fascia in movement improves our proprioception, and helps us find easier, more integrated and better coordinated ways of moving and being.

Utilizing the sensory properties of our fascia, we can find a sweet spot of balance between effort and ease, protecting the joints from overstretching, and muscles from over-straining.

In addition, we can feel into the connectivity between systems, such as skeleto-muscular and organ system. For example, an adhesion/ stickiness in the visceral fascia around the uterus or small intestine, can be the cause of the tension/pain that we are experiencing in the sacrum. Working on releasing the tension from the organ can ease the chronic sacral pain and improve mobility in the area. 

Liberating the fascia of our respiratory diaphragm can improve the functioning of the heart and lungs above the diaphragm, as well as of the digestive system below the diaphragm.

This feeling of inner connectivity via fascial matrix not only changes the perception of the self, but it expands us into the felt sense of connectivity with other beings. It helps us realise that the choices we make have a direct impact on the whole, because - just like on the inside of our skin, so also on the outside - all life is interdependent.

Delicious movements that will hydrate, mobilize and regenerate the fascia:

- asana according to the sequence in which our fascia, muscles and other connective tissue evolved.

- rocking, pulsation, and other movement for the fascial release

- fluid motion and jelly-fish diaphragms

- vibration of sound targeting places with concentrated tension

- navel radiation and spirals

Dynamic movement will be balanced with plenty of tension release and rolling on the ground.

Early bird price:

100 Euros - until January 3rd
120 Euros thereafter

Payments via Paypal and Bank transfer

Sample of a yoga class focused on fascia