Central Front Body connections | Sensit Yoga | with Maja Zilih | 20 min

Sharpen the awareness of your skeletal connections. You can apply this new knowledge in any yoga or other movement practice for greater control and a deeper sense of inner connectivity and a whole-body participation. Explore how becoming conscious of skeletal connections between hyoid, xyphoid and pubis can bring support and integration in asana practice but also in daily movements Inspired by Body-Mind-Centering

Pleasant morning movement practice | Sensit Yoga with Maja Zilih | 20 min |

Engage in easy movements that will help you get rid of morning stiffness and lethargy, increase fluidity in the body, and gain efficiency and coordination. Practice in a non-forced, easy and pleasant way.


Sun Salutations by Sensit Yoga | 14 min | FREE video

Find your standing neutral, explore bent-knee vs straight-knee forward fold, root into the Earth, connect your arms with your ribcage. With all this integrity move through Sun Salutations.

Sensit Yoga Tutorial for Forward Folding Asana | FREE video

Refine the movement of your spine and feel the subtle sensations arising. Learn to fold forward by softening rather than pulling. Explore the connection between the head, heart and pelvis, as well as the connection of the back with the front body.

Woman’s flow | ♬ with music | 20 min

Continuous movement with music. No verbal guidance. Be in the state of receptivity, listening to inner sensations. Music bed: Internal flight By Estas Tonne https://estastonne.com/

Mindful Inversions | 32 min

Start with 7 minutes of Pranayama. Investigate your connection to the Earth in inversions with legs still on the ground (Dolphin, Down Dog, Bear etc). Use this experience in Pincha Mayurasana and Handstand.

Bakasana | 19 min

Explore the interplay of grounding and elevating energy currents within. Feel their manifestation in Bakasana pose

Lateral Spinal Movement | 34 min

Engage in lateral spinal movement initiating from each spinal segment to discover the lightness and inner ease